Visualization is an important tool for generating insight, but it's rare that you get the data in exactly the right form you need to make the graph you want.
Often you'll need to create some new variables or summaries to answer your questions with your data, or maybe you just want to rename the variables or reorder the observations to make the data a little easier to work with.
You'll learn how to do all that (and more!) in this chapter, which will introduce you to data transformation using the **dplyr** package and a new dataset on flights that departed New York City in 2013.
We'll start with functions that operate on rows and then columns of a data frame, then circle back to talk more about the pipe, an important tool that you use to combine verbs.
We will then introduce the ability to work with groups.
We will end the chapter with a case study that showcases these functions in action and we'll come back to the functions in more detail in later chapters, as we start to dig into specific types of data (e.g. numbers, strings, dates).
So far we've mostly ignored which package a function comes from because most of the time it doesn't matter.
However, knowing the package can help you find help and find related functions, so when we need to be precise about which function a package comes from, we'll use the same syntax as R: `packagename::functionname()`.
The data comes from the US [Bureau of Transportation Statistics](, and is documented in `?flights`.
`flights` is a tibble, a special type of data frame used by the tidyverse to avoid some common gotchas.
The most important difference between tibbles and data frames is the way tibbles print; they are designed for large datasets, so they only show the first few rows and only the columns that fit on one screen.
In both views, the variables names are followed by abbreviations that tell you the type of each variable: `<int>` is short for integer, `<dbl>` is short for double (aka real numbers), `<chr>` for character (aka strings), and `<dttm>` for date-time.
These are important because the operations you can perform on a column depend so much on its "type", and these types are used to organize the chapters in the next section of the book.
We'll discuss the pipe more in @the-pipe, but in brief, the pipe takes the thing on its left and passes it along to the function on its right so that `x |> f(y)` is equivalent to `f(x, y)`, and `x |> f(y) |> g(z)` is equivalent to into `g(f(x, y), z)`.
In the following sections you'll learn the most important verbs for rows, columns, and groups, then we'll come back to the join verbs that work on tables in @sec-joins.
The most important verbs that operate on rows of a dataset are `filter()`, which changes which rows are present without changing their order, and `arrange()`, which changes the order of the rows without changing which are present.
As well as `>` (greater than), you can use `>=` (greater than or equal to), `<` (less than), `<=` (less than or equal to), `==` (equal to), and `!=` (not equal to).
You can also combine conditions with `&` or `,` to indicate "and" (check for both conditions) or with `|` to indicate "or" (check for either condition):
This "works", in the sense that it doesn't throw an error, but it doesn't do what you want because `|` first checks the condition `month == 1` and then checks the condition `2`, which is not a sensible condition to check.
We'll learn more about what's happening here and why in @sec-boolean-operations.
It's not a coincidence that all of these distinct flights are on January 1: `distinct()` will find the first occurrence of a unique row in the dataset and discard the rest.
If you want to find the number of occurrences instead, you're better off swapping `distinct()` for `count()`, and with the `sort = TRUE` argument you can arrange them in descending order of number of occurrences.
There are four important verbs that affect the columns without changing the rows: `mutate()` creates new columns that are derived from the existing columns, `select()` changes which columns are present; `rename()` changes the names of the columns; and `relocate()` changes the positions of the columns.
The job of `mutate()` is to add new columns that are calculated from the existing columns.
In the transform chapters, you'll learn a large set of functions that you can use to manipulate different types of variables.
For now, we'll stick with basic algebra, which allows us to compute the `gain`, how much time a delayed flight made up in the air, and the `speed` in miles per hour:
Note that since we haven't assigned the result of the above computation back to `flights`, the new variables `gain,` `hours`, and `gain_per_hour` will only be printed but will not be stored in a data frame.
And if we want them to be available in a data frame for future use, we should think carefully about whether we want the result to be assigned back to `flights`, overwriting the original data frame with many more variables, or to a new object.
Often, the right answer is a new object that is named informatively to indicate its contents, e.g., `delay_gain`, but you might also have good reasons for overwriting `flights`.
You can also use `-` instead of `!` (and you're likely to see that in the wild); we recommend `!` because it reads as "not", and combines well with `&` and `|`.
Once you know regular expressions (the topic of @sec-regular-expressions) you'll also be able to use `matches()` to select variables that match a pattern.
If you have a bunch of inconsistently named columns and it would be painful to fix them all by hand, check out `janitor::clean_names()` which provides some useful automated cleaning.
We've shown you simple examples of the pipe above, but its real power arises when you start to combine multiple verbs.
For example, imagine that you wanted to find the fast flights to Houston's IAH airport: you need to combine `filter()`, `mutate()`, `select()`, and `arrange()`:
Even though this pipeline has four steps, it's easy to skim because the verbs come at the start of each line: start with the `flights` data, then filter, then group, then summarize.
If you've been using the tidyverse for a while, you might be familiar with the `%>%` pipe provided by the **magrittr** package.
The magrittr package is included in the core tidyverse, so you can use `%>%` whenever you load the tidyverse:
#| eval: false
mtcars %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
summarize(n = n())
For simple cases, `|>` and `%>%` behave identically.
So why do we recommend the base pipe?
Firstly, because it's part of base R, it's always available for you to use, even when you're not using the tidyverse.
Secondly, `|>` is quite a bit simpler than `%>%`: in the time between the invention of `%>%` in 2014 and the inclusion of `|>` in R 4.1.0 in 2021, we gained a better understanding of the pipe.
This allowed the base implementation to jettison infrequently used and less important features.
`group_by()` doesn't change the data but, if you look closely at the output, you'll notice that the output indicates that it is "grouped by" month (`Groups: month [12]`).
`group_by()` adds this grouped feature (referred to as class) to the data frame, which changes the behavior of the subsequent verbs applied to the data.
The most important grouped operation is a summary, which, if being used to calculate a single summary statistic, reduces the data frame to have a single row for each group.
In dplyr, this is operation is performed by `summarize()`[^data-transform-3], as shown by the following example, which computes the average departure delay by month:
Something has gone wrong and all of our results are `NA`s (pronounced "N-A"), R's symbol for missing value.
This happened because some of the observed flights had missing data in the delay column, and so when we calculated the mean including those values, we got an `NA` result.
We'll come back to discuss missing values in detail in @sec-missing-values, but for now we'll tell the `mean()` function to ignore all missing values by setting the argument `na.rm` to `TRUE`:
Note that there are 105 destinations but we get 108 rows here.
What's up?
`slice_min()` and `slice_max()` keep tied values so `n = 1` means give me all rows with the highest value.
If you want exactly one row per group you can set `keep_ties = FALSE`.
This is similar to computing the max delay with `summarize()`, but you get the whole corresponding row (or rows if there's a tie) instead of the single summary statistic.
dplyr 1.1.0 includes an new, experimental, syntax for per-operation grouping, the `.by` argument.
`group_by()` and `ungroup()` aren't going away, but you can now also use the `.by` argument to group within a single operation:
#| results: false
flights |>
delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
n = n(),
.by = month
Or if you want to group by multiple variables:
#| results: false
flights |>
delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
n = n(),
.by = c(origin, dest)
`.by` works with all verbs and has the advantage that you don't need to use the `.groups` argument to suppress the grouping message or `ungroup()` when you're done.
We didn't focus on this syntax in this chapter because it was very new when wrote the book.
We did want to mention it because we think it has a lot of promise and it's likely to be quite popular.
You can learn more about it in the [dplyr 1.1.0 blog post](
When we plot the skill of the batter (measured by the batting average, `performance`) against the number of opportunities to hit the ball (measured by times at bat, `n`), you see two patterns:
The shape of this plot is very characteristic: whenever you plot a mean (or other summary statistics) vs. group size, you'll see that the variation decreases as the sample size increases[^data-transform-4].
2. There's a positive correlation between skill (`performance`) and opportunities to hit the ball (`n`) because teams want to give their best batters the most opportunities to hit the ball.
If you naively sort on `desc(performance)`, the people with the best batting averages are clearly the ones who tried to put the ball in play very few times and happened to get a hit, they're not necessarily the most skilled players:
You can find a good explanation of this problem and how to overcome it at <> and <>.
The tools are roughly grouped into three categories: those that manipulate the rows (like `filter()` and `arrange()`, those that manipulate the columns (like `select()` and `mutate()`), and those that manipulate groups (like `group_by()` and `summarize()`).
In the next chapter, we'll pivot back to workflow to discuss the importance of code style, keeping your code well organized in order to make it easy for you and others to read and understand your code.