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<h1><span id="sec-communicate-intro" class="quarto-section-identifier d-none d-lg-block">Communicate</span></h1><p>So far, you’ve learned the tools to get your data into R, tidy it into a form convenient for analysis, and then understand your data through transformation, and visualization. However, it doesn’t matter how great your analysis is unless you can explain it to others: you need to <strong>communicate</strong> your results.</p><div class="cell">
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<figure id="fig-ds-communicate"><p><img src="diagrams/data-science/communicate.png" alt="A diagram displaying the data science cycle with communicate highlighed in blue. " width="535"/></p>
<figcaption>Figure 1: Communication is the final part of the data science process; if you can’t communicate your results to other humans, it doesn’t matter how great your analysis is.</figcaption>
</div><p>Communication is the theme of the following three chapters:</p><ul><li><p>In <a href="#chp-quarto" data-type="xref">#chp-quarto</a>, you will learn about Quarto, a tool for integrating prose, code, and results. You can use Quarto for analyst-to-analyst communication as well as analyst-to-decision-maker communication. Thanks to the power of Quarto formats, you can even use the same document for both purposes.</p></li>
<li><p>In <a href="#chp-quarto-formats" data-type="xref">#chp-quarto-formats</a>, you’ll learn a little about the many other varieties of outputs you can produce using Quarto, including dashboards, websites, and books.</p></li>
<li><p>We’ll finish up with <a href="#chp-quarto-workflow" data-type="xref">#chp-quarto-workflow</a>, where you’ll learn about the “analysis notebook” and how to systematically record your successes and failures so that you can learn from them.</p></li>
</ul><p>These chapters focus mostly on the technical mechanics of communication, not the really hard problems of communicating your thoughts to other humans. However, there are lot of other great books about communication, which we’ll point you to at the end of each chapter.</p></div>