* Mention parquet and databases
* Simplify language
* Explain what var and obs mean
* Data View() alternative
* Explain density
* Boxplot definition
* Clarify IQR, hide figure, add exercise
* will -> can
* Transform edits
* Fix typo
* Clairfy cases
* Move workflow section into Quarto chapter
* Delete removed chapter
* - Hide figures in exercises
- Change eval: false to fig-show: hide
* Remove
* Fix color scale, closes#1243
* Fix plot size
* Reduce image size + formatted excel discussion
* Shorten URLs where possible
* Fix text running off the page on PDF
* Address figure sizing issue
* Re-org removes the need for this reference
* Remove one plot to reduce redundancy
* Read thru
* Minor edits
* Add ggthemes
* Reflect new part structure
* Mention all chapters
* Hide the ruler
* Crossref diagram
* Fix crossref
* Mention all import chapters
* Fix link to following chapter
* Fix title and summary
* Add intros
* Consistent chunk style?
* Redraw data science process diagrams
* Polishing the whole game
* Add reference to TMWR
* Respond to visualization feedback
* Minor changes
* Better integrate workflow-scripts chapter
* Minor getting help polishing
* Update investing in yourself links
* Redraw RStudio screenshots
* More scripts/projects polishing
Co-authored-by: Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel <cetinkaya.mine@gmail.com>
* Use _quarto.yml
* Rmd -> qmd
* Update build type to None
* Update styling Styling to get close to bs4_book + color
* Convert crossrefs
* Covert chunk options
* Switch to plausible for analytics
* Update action