diff --git a/communicate.Rmd b/communicate.Rmd
index 004e074..0e8b44f 100644
--- a/communicate.Rmd
+++ b/communicate.Rmd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Introduction {#communicate-intro}
-So far, you've learned the tools to get your data into R, tidy it into a form convenient for analysis, and then understand you data through transformation, visualisation and modelling. However, it doesn't matter how great your analysis is unless you can explain it to others: you need to __communicate__ your results.
+So far, you've learned the tools to get your data into R, tidy it into a form convenient for analysis, and then understand your data through transformation, visualisation and modelling. However, it doesn't matter how great your analysis is unless you can explain it to others: you need to __communicate__ your results.
 ```{r echo = FALSE, out.width = "75%"}