In this chapter, you'll learn how to handle lists, the data structure R uses for complex, hierarchical objects. You've already familiar with vectors, R's data structure for 1d objects. Lists extend these ideas to model objects that are like trees. You can create a hierarchical structure with a list because unlike vectors, a list can contain other lists.
If you've worked with list-like objects before, you're probably familiar with the for loop. I'll talk a little bit about for loops here, but the focus will be functions from the __purrr__ package. purrr makes it easier to work with lists by eliminating common for loop boilerplate so you can focus on the specifics. The apply family of functions in base R (`apply()`, `lapply()`, `tapply()`, etc) solve a similar problem, but purrr is more consistent and easier to learn.
This structure makes it easier to solve new problems. It also makes it easier to understand your solutions to old problems when you re-read your old code.
In later chapters you'll learn how to apply these ideas when modelling. You can often use multiple simple models to help understand a complex dataset, or you might have multiple models because you're bootstrapping or cross-validating. The techniques you learn in this chapter will be invaluable.
It's easy to get confused between `[` and `[[`, but it's important to understand the difference. A few months ago I stayed at a hotel with a pretty interesting pepper shaker that I hope will help remember these differences:
To illustrate for loops, we'll start by creating a stereotypical list: an eight element list where each element contains a random vector of random length. (You'll learn about `rerun()` later.)
This loop used a function you might not be familiar with: `seq_along()`. This is a safe version of the more familiar `1:length(l)`. There's one important difference in behaviour. If you have a zero-length vector, `seq_along()` does the right thing:
Figuring out the length of the elements of a list is a common operation, so it makes sense to turn it into a function so we can reuse it again and again:
Now imagine we want to compute the `mean()` of each element. How would our function change? What if we wanted to compute the `median()`? You could create variations of `compute_lengths()` that looked like this:
But this is only two of the many functions we might want to apply to every element of a list, and there's already lot of duplication. Most of the code is for-loop boilerplate and it's hard to see the one function (`length()`, `mean()`, or `median()`) that's actually important.
You've reduce the chance of bugs (because you now have 1/3 less code), and made it easy to generalise to new situations. We can do exactly the same thing with `compute_length()`, `compute_median()` and `compute_mean()`:
Instead of hardcoding the summary function, we allow it to vary, by adding an additional argument that is a function. It can take a while to wrap your head around this, but it's very powerful technique. This is one of the reasons that R is known as a "functional" programming language.
This pattern of looping over a list and doing something to each element is so common that the purrr package provides a family of functions to do it for you. Each function always returns the same type of output so there are six variations based on what sort of result you want:
Each functions takes a list as input, applies a function to each piece, and then returns a new vector that's the same length as the input. The type of the vector is determine by the specific map function. Usually you want to use the most specific avaiable; using `map()` only as a fallback when there is no specialised equivalent available.
Compared to using a for loop, focus is on the operation being performed (i.e. `length()`, `mean()`, or `median()`), not the book-keeping required to loop over every element and store the results.
There are a few shortcuts that you can use with `.f` in order to save a little typing. Imagine you want to fit a linear model to each individual in a dataset. The following toy example splits the up the `mtcars` dataset in to three pieces (only for each value of cylinder) and fits the same linear model to each piece:
Here I've used `.` as a pronoun: it refers to the "current" list element (in the same way that `i` referred to the number in the for loop). You can also use `.x` and `.y` to refer to up to two arguments. If you want to create an function with more than two arguments, do it the regular way!
When you're looking at many models, you might want to extract a summary statistic like the $R^2$. To do that we need to first run `summary()` and then extract the component called `r.squared`. We could do that using the shorthand for anonymous funtions:
The map functions apply a function to every element in a list. They are the most commonly used part of purrr, but not the only part. Since lists are often used to represent complex hierarchies, purrr also provides tools to work with hierarchy:
* You can extract deeply nested elements in a single call by supplying
a character vector to the map functions.
* You can remove a level of the hierarchy with the flatten functions.
Some times you get data structures that are very deeply nested. A common source of sych data is JSON from a web API. I've previously downloaded a list of GitHub issues related to this book and saved it as `issues.json`. Now I'm going to load it into a list with jsonlite. By default `fromJSON()` tries to be helpful and simplifies the structure a little for you. Here I'm going to show you how to do it with purrr, so I set `simplifyVector = FALSE`:
You can use the same technique to extract more deeply nested structure. For example, imagine you want to extract the name and id of the user. You could do that in two steps:
As well as indexing deeply into hierarchy, it's sometimes useful to flatten it. That's the job of the flatten family of functions: `flatten()`, `flatten_lgl()`, `flatten_int()`, `flatten_dbl()`, and `flatten_chr()`. In the code below we take a list of lists of double vectors, then flatten it to a list of double vectors, then to a double vector.
Base R has `unlist()`, but I recommend avoiding it for the same reason I recommend avoiding `sapply()`: it always succeeds. Even if your data structure accidentally changes, `unlist()` will continue to work silently the wrong type of output. This tends to create problems that are frustrating to debug.
You'll see an example of this in the next section, as `transpose()` is particularly useful in conjunction with adverbs like `safely()` and `quietly()`.
It's called transpose by analogy to matrices. When you subset a transposed matrix, you switch indices: `x[i, j]` is the same as `t(x)[j, i]`. It's the same idea when transposing a list, but the subsetting looks a little different: `x[[i]][[j]]` is equivalent to `transpose(x)[[j]][[i]]`. Similarly, a transpose is its own inverse so `transpose(transpose(x))` is equal to `x`.
Tranpose is also useful when working with JSON apis. Many JSON APIs represent data frames in a row-based format, rather than R's column-based format. `transpose()` makes it easy to switch between the two:
df <- dplyr::data_frame(x = 1:3, y = c("a", "b", "c"))
When you do many operations on a list, sometimes one will fail. When this happens, you'll get an error message, and no output. This is annoying: why does one failure prevent you from accessing all the other successes? How do you ensure that one bad apple doesn't ruin the whole barrel?
In this section you'll learn how to deal this situation with a new function: `safely()`. `safely()` is an adverb: it takes a function (a verb) and returns a modified version. In this case, the modified function will never throw an error. Instead, it always returns a list with two elements:
(You might be familiar with the `try()` function in base R. It's similar, but because it sometimes returns the original result and it sometimes returns an error object it's more difficult to work with.)
When the function succeeds the `result` element contains the result and the error element is `NULL`. When the function fails, the result element is `NULL` and the error element contains an error object.
It's up to you how to deal with the errors, but typically you'll either look at the values of `x` where `y` is an error or work with the values of y that are ok:
So far we've mapped along a single list. But often you have mutliple related lists that you need iterate along in parallel. That's the job of the `map2()` and `pmap()` functions. For example, imagine you want to simulate some random normals with different means. You know how to do that with `map()`:
What if you also want to vary the standard deviation? You need to iterate along a vector of means and a vector of standard deviations in parallel. That's a job for `map2()` which works with two parallel sets of inputs:
You could also imagine `map3()`, `map4()`, `map5()`, `map6()` etc, but that would get tedious quickly. Instead, purrr provides `pmap()` which takes a list of arguments. You might use that if you wanted to vary the mean, standard deviation, and number of samples:
As soon as your code gets complicated, I think a data frame is a good approach because it ensures that each column has a name and is the same length as all the other columns. We'll come back to this idea when we explore the intersection of dplyr, purr, and model fitting.
The first argument is a list of functions or character vector of function names. The second argument is a list of lists giving the arguments that vary for each function. The subsequent arguments are passed on to every function.
You can use `dplyr::frame_data()` to make creating these matching pairs a little easier:
Walk is an alternative to map that you use when you want to call a function for its side effects, rather than for its return value. You typically do this because you want to render output to the screen or saving files to disk - the important thing is the action, not the return value. Here's a very simple example:
x <- list(1, "a", 3)
x %>%
`walk()` is generally not that useful compared to `walk2()` or `pwalk()`. For example, if you had a list of plots and a vector of file names, you could use `pwalk()` to save each file to the corresponding location on disk:
`is_numeric()` is a __predicate__: a function that returns either `TRUE` or `FALSE`. There are a number of of purrr functions designed to work specifically with predicates:
Each predicate also comes with "scalar" and "bare" versions. The scalar version checks that the length is 1 and the bare version checks that the object is a bare vector with no S3 class.