<!--# TO DO: This chapter got moved here from the wrangle section, make sure it makes sense in this new location, doesn't assume anything that comes after it. -->
Working with data provided by R packages is a great way to learn the tools of data science, but at some point you want to stop learning and start working with your own data.
In this chapter, you'll learn how to read plain-text rectangular files into R.
Here, we'll only scratch the surface of data import, but many of the principles will translate to other forms of data.
We'll finish with a few pointers to packages that are useful for other types of data.
- `read_csv()` reads comma delimited files, `read_csv2()` reads semicolon separated files (common in countries where `,` is used as the decimal place), `read_tsv()` reads tab delimited files, and `read_delim()` reads in files with any delimiter.
These functions all have similar syntax: once you've mastered one, you can use the others with ease.
For the rest of this chapter we'll focus on `read_csv()`.
Not only are csv files one of the most common forms of data storage, but once you understand `read_csv()`, you can easily apply your knowledge to all the other functions in readr.
When you run `read_csv()` it prints out a message that tells you how many rows (excluding the header row) and columns the data has along with the delimiter used, and the column specifications (names of columns organized by the type of data the column contains).
It also prints out some information about how to retrieve the full column specification as well as how to quiet this message.
This message is an important part of readr, which we'll come back to in Section \@ref(parsing-a-file) on parsing a file.
In the `favourite.food` column, there are a bunch of foot items and then the character string `N/A`, which should have been an real `NA` that R will recognize as "not available".
This is something we can address using the `na` argument.
```{r message = FALSE}
students <- read_csv("data/students.csv", na = c("N/A", ""))
Once you read data in, the first step is usually involve transforming it in some way to make it easier to work with in the rest of your analysis.
For example, the column names in the `students` file we read in are formatted in non-standard ways.
You might consider renaming them one by one with `dplyr::rename()` or you might use the `janitor::clean_names()` function turn them all into snake case at once.[^data-import-1]
This function takes in a data frame and returns a data frame with variable names converted to snake case.
[^data-import-1]: The [janitor](http://sfirke.github.io/janitor/) package is not part of the tidyverse, but it offers handy functions for data cleaning and works well within data pipelines that uses `|>`.
Note that the values in the `meal_type` variable has stayed exactly the same, but the type of variable denoted underneath the variable name has changed from character (`<chr>`) to factor (`<fct>`).
Before you move on to analyzing these data, you'll probably want to fix the `age` column as well: currently it's a character variable because of the one observation that is typed out as `five` instead of a numeric `5`.
We discuss the details of fixing this issue in Chapter \@ref(import-spreadsheets) in further detail.
Base R functions inherit some behaviour from your operating system and environment variables, so import code that works on your computer might not work on someone else's.
1. What function would you use to read a file where fields were separated with\
2. Apart from `file`, `skip`, and `comment`, what other arguments do `read_csv()` and `read_tsv()` have in common?
3. What are the most important arguments to `read_fwf()`?
4. Sometimes strings in a CSV file contain commas.
To prevent them from causing problems they need to be surrounded by a quoting character, like `"` or `'`. By default, `read_csv()` assumes that the quoting character will be `"`.
What argument to `read_csv()` do you need to specify to read the following text into a data frame?
Sometimes your data is split across multiple files instead of being contained in a single file.
For example, you might have sales data for multiple months, with each month's data in a separate file: `01-sales.csv` for January, `02-sales.csv` for February, and `03-sales.csv` for March.
With `read_csv()` you can read these data in at once and stack them on top of each other in a single data frame.
With the additional `id` parameter we have added a new column called `file` to the resulting data frame that identifies the file the data come from.
This is especially helpful in circumstances where the files you're reading in do not have an identifying column that can help you trace the observations back to their original sources.
If you want to export a csv file to Excel, use `write_excel_csv()` --- this writes a special character (a "byte order mark") at the start of the file which tells Excel that you're using the UTF-8 encoding.
- **DBI**, along with a database specific backend (e.g. **RMySQL**, **RSQLite**, **RPostgreSQL** etc) allows you to run SQL queries against a database and return a data frame.
For other file types, try the [R data import/export manual](https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-data.html) and the [**rio**](https://github.com/leeper/rio) package.