Earlier, we discussed a basic workflow for capturing your R code where you work interactively in the *console*, then capture what works in the *script editor*.
R Markdown brings together the console and the script editor, blurring the lines between interactive exploration and long-term code capture.
You can rapidly iterate within a chunk, editing and re-executing with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
When you're happy, you move on and start a new chunk.
We've drawn on our own experiences and Colin Purrington's advice on lab notebooks (<http://colinpurrington.com/tips/lab-notebooks>) to come up with the following tips:
Use ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DD format so that's there no ambiguity.
Use it even if you don't normally write dates that way!
- If you spend a lot of time on an analysis idea and it turns out to be a dead end, don't delete it!
Write up a brief note about why it failed and leave it in the notebook.
That will help you avoid going down the same dead end when you come back to the analysis in the future.
- Generally, you're better off doing data entry outside of R.
But if you do need to record a small snippet of data, clearly lay it out using `tibble::tribble()`.
- If you discover an error in a data file, never modify it directly, but instead write code to correct the value.
Explain why you made the fix.
- Before you finish for the day, make sure you can knit the notebook (if you're using caching, make sure to clear the caches).
That will let you fix any problems while the code is still fresh in your mind.
- If you want your code to be reproducible in the long-run (i.e. so you can come back to run it next month or next year), you'll need to track the versions of the packages that your code uses.
A quick and dirty hack is to include a chunk that runs `sessionInfo()` --- that won't let you easily recreate your packages as they are today, but at least you'll know what they were.
- You are going to create many, many, many analysis notebooks over the course of your career.
How are you going to organise them so you can find them again in the future?