A model is a function that summarizes how the values of one variable vary in response to the values of other variables. Models play a large role in hypothesis testing and prediction, but for the moment you should think of models just like you think of statistics. A statistic summarizes a *distribution* in a way that is easy to understand; and a model summarizes *covariation* in a way that is easy to understand. In other words, a model is just another way to describe data.
*Section 1* will show you how to build linear models, the most commonly used type of model. Along the way, you will learn R's model syntax, a general syntax that you can reuse with most of R's modeling functions.
*Section 3* will teach you to build and interpret multivariate linear models, models that use more than one explanatory variable to explain the values of a response variable.
*Section 4* will explain how to use categorical variables in your models and how to interpret the results of models that use categorical variables. Here you will learn about interaction effects, as well as logistic models.
Have you heard that a relationship exists between your height and your income? It sounds far-fetched---and maybe it is---but many people believe that taller people will be promoted faster and valued more for their work, an effect that directly inflates the income of the vertically gifted. Do you think this is true?
Luckily, it is easy to measure someone's height, as well as their income (and a swath of other variables besides), which means that we can collect data relevant to the question. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has been doing this in a controlled way for over 50 years. The BLS [National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS)](https://www.nlsinfo.org/) track the income, education, and life circumstances of a large cohort of Americans across several decades. In case you are wondering, the point of the NLS is not to study the relationship between height and income, that's just a lucky accident.
Now that you have the data, you can visualize the relationship between height and income. But what does the data say? How would you describe the relationship?
```{r warnings = FALSE}
ggplot(data = heights, mapping = aes(x = height, y = income)) +
First, let's address a distraction: the data is censored in an odd way. The y variable is income, which means that there are no y values less than zero. That's not odd. However, there are also no y values above $180,331. In fact, there are a line of unusual values at exactly $180,331. This is because the Bureau of Labor Statistics removed the top 2% of income values and replaced them with the mean value of the top 2% of values, an action that was not designed to enhance the usefulness of the data for data science.
Use R's `lm()` function to fit a linear model to your data. The first argument of `lm()` should be a formula, two or more variables separated by a `~`. You've seen formulas before, we used them in Chapter 2 to facet graphs.
`lm()` treats the variable(s) on the right-hand side of the formula as _explanatory variables_ that partially determine the value of the variable on the left-hand side of the formula, which is known as the _response variable_. In other words, it acts as if the _response variable_ is determined by a function of the _explanatory variables_. It then spots the linear function that best fits the data.
Linear models are straightforward to interpret. Incomes have a baseline mean of $`r coef(h)[1]`$. Each one inch increase of height above zero is associated with an increase of $`r coef(h)[2]`$ in income.
The `broom` package provides the most useful helper functions for working with R models. `broom` functions return the most useful model information as data frames, which lets you quickly embed the information into your data science workflow.
There appears to be a relationship between a person's education and how poorly the model predicts their income. When we graphed the model residuals against `education` above, we see that the more a person is educated, the worse the model underestimates their income.
The coefficient of each variable represents the increase in income associated with a one unit increase in the variable _when all other variables are held constant_.
What about sex? Many sources have observed that there is a difference in income between genders. Might this explain the height effect? We can find the effect of height independent of sex by adding sex to the model; however, sex is a categorical variable.
R stores categorical data as factors or character strings. If you add a string to a model, R will convert it to a factor for the purposes of the model.
A factor is an integer vector with a levels attribute. You can make a factor with `factor()`.
* If you coerce a factor to a numeric, R will convert the integer vector that underlies the factor, not the level labels that you see when you print the factor.
So far the y variable of our models has been a continuous variable, `income`. You can use linear regression to model a categorical y variable by transforming y into a continuous variable with a _link function_. Then model fit a model to the results of the link function and use the link function to back transform and interpret the results.
The most common link function is the logit function, which transforms a bivariate y variable into a continuous range.
Which description will be best? Does the relationship have a known form? Does the data have a known structure? Are you going to attempt hypothesis testing that imposes its own constraints?