In the previous chapter you learned how linear models worked, and learned some basic tools for understanding what a model is telling you about your data. The previous chapter focussed on simulated datasets to help you learn about how models work. This chapter will focus on real data, showing you how you can progressively build up a model to aid your understanding of the data.
We will take advantage of the fact that you can think about a model partition your data into pattern and residuals. We'll find patterns with visualisation, then make the concrete and precise with a model. We'll them repeat the process, replace the old response variable with the residuals from the model. The goal is to transition from implicit knowledge in the data and your head to explicit knowledge in a quantitative model. This makes it easier to apply to new domains, and easier for others to use.
For very large and complex datasets this will a lot of work. There are certainly alternative approaches - a more machine learning approach is simply to focus on the predictive ability of the model. These approaches tend to produce black boxes: the model does a really good job at generating predictions, but you don't know why. This is a totally reasonable approach, but it does make it hard to apply your real world knowledge to the model. That, in turn, makes it difficult to assess whether or not the model will continue work in the long-term, as fundamentals change. For most real models, I'd expect you to use some combination of this approach and a more classic automated approach.
It's a challenge to know when to stop. You need to figure out when your model is good enough, and when additional investment is unlikely to pay off. I particularly this quote from reddit user Broseidon241:
We'll start with modelling and EDA tools we used in the last chapter. Then we'll add in some real datasets: `diamonds` from ggplot2, and `flights` from nycflights13. We'll also need lubridate to extract useful components of date-times.
In previous chapters we've seen a surprising relationship between the quality of diamonds and their price: low quality diamonds (poor cuts, bad colours, and inferior clarity) have higher prices.
It looks like lower quality diamonds have higher prices because there is an important cofounding variable: the weight (`carat`) of the diamond. The weight of the diamond is the single most important factor for determining the price of the diamond, and lower quality diamonds tend to be larger.
We can make it easier to see how the other attributes of a diamond affect its relative `price` by fitting a model to separate out the effect of `carat`. But first, lets make a couple of tweaks to the diamonds dataset to make it easier to work with:
The log-transformation is particularly useful here because it makes the pattern linear, and linear patterns are the easiest to work with. Let's take the next step and remove that strong linear pattern. We first make the pattern explicit by fitting a model:
Then we look at what the model tells us about the data. Note that I back transform the predictions, undoing the log transformation, so I can overlay the predictions on the raw data:
That tells us something interesting about. If we believe our model, then the large diamonds are much cheaper than expected. This is probably because no diamond in this dataset costs more than $19,000.
Now we see the relationship we expect: as the quality of the diamond increases, so to does it's relative pirce. To interpret the `y` axis, we need to think about what the residuals are telling us, and what scale they are on. A residual of -1 indicates that `lprice` was 1 unit lower than a prediction based solely on its weight. $2^{-1}$ is 1/2, points with a value of -1 are half the expected price, and residuals with value 1 are twice the predicted price.
If we wanted to, we could continue to build up our model, moving the effects we've observed into the model to make them explicit. For example, we could include `color`, `cut`, and `clarity` into the model so that we also make explicit the effect of these three categorical variables:
This model now includes four predictors, so it's getting harder to visualise. Fortunately, they're currently all independent which means that we can plot them individually in four plots. To make the process a little easier, we're going to use the `model` argument to `data_grid`:
If the model needs variables that you haven't explicitly supplied, `data_grid()` will automatically fill them in with "typical" value. For continous variables, it uses the median, and categorical variables it uses the most common value (or values, if there's a tie).
diamonds2 <- diamonds2 %>%
add_residuals(mod_diamond2, "lresid2")
ggplot(diamonds2, aes(lcarat, lresid2)) +
geom_hex(bins = 50)
This plot indicates that there are some diamonds with quite large residuals - remember a residual of 4 indicates that the diamond is 4x the price that we expected. It's often useful to look at unusual values individually:
Nothing really jumps out at me here, but it's probably worth spending time considering if this indicates a problem with our model, or if there are a errors in the data. If there are mistakes in the data, this could be an opportunity to buy diamonds that have been priced low incorrectly.
Let's explore the number of flights that leave NYC per day. We're not going to end up with a fully realised model, but as you'll see, the steps along the way will help us better understand the data. Let's get started by counting the number of flights per day and visualising it with ggplot2.
This is a really small dataset --- only 365 rows and 2 columns, but because as you'll see there's a rich set of interesting variables buried in the date.
Understanding the long-term trend is challenging because there's a very strong day-of-week effect that dominates the subtler patterns. Let's summarise the number of flights per day-of-week:
There are fewer flights on weekends because most travel is for business. The effect is particularly pronounced on Saturday: you might sometimes have to leave on Sunday for a Monday morning meeting, but it's very rare that you'd leave on Saturday as you'd much rather be at home with your family.
Note the change in the y-axis: now we are seeing the deviation from the expected number of flights, given the day of week. This plot is useful because now that we've removed much of the large day-of-week effect, we can see some of the subtler patterns that remain:
Let's first tackle our failure to accurately predict the number of flights on Saturday. A good place to start is to go back to the raw numbers, focussing on Saturdays:
(I've used both points and lines to make it more clear what is data and what is interpolation.)
I suspect pattern is caused by summer holidays: many people go on holiday in the summer, and people don't mind travelling on Saturdays for vacation. Looking at this plot, we might guess that summer holidays are from early June to late August. That seems to line up fairly well with the [state's school terms]( summer break in 2013 was Jun 26--Sep 9.
Why are there Saturday flights in the Fall than the Spring? I asked some American friends and they suggested that it's less common to plan family vacations during the Fall becuase of the big Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. We can't tell if that's exactly the reason, but it seems like a plausible working hypothesis.
Lets create a "term" variable that roughly captures the three school terms, and check our work with a plot:
(I manually tweaked the dates to get nice breaks in the plot. Using a visualisation to help you understand what your function is doing is a really powerful and general technique.)
It's useful to see how this new variable affects the other days of the week:
daily %>%
ggplot(aes(wday, n, colour = term)) +
It looks like there is significant variation across the terms, so fitting a separate day of week effect for each term is reasonable. This improves our model, but not as much as we might hope:
Our model is finding the _mean_ effect, but we have a lot of big outliers, so they tend to drag the mean far away from the typical value. We can alleviate this problem by using a model that is robust to the effect of outliers: `MASS::rlm()`. This greatly reduces the impact of the outliers on our estimates, and gives a model that does a good job of removing the day of week pattern:
In the previous section we used our domain knowledge (how the US school term affects travel) to improve the model. An alternative to using making our knowledge explicit in the model is to give the data more room to speak. We could use a more flexible model and allow that to capture the pattern we're interested in. We know that a simple linear trend isn't adeqaute, so instead we could use a natural spline to allow a smoothly varying trend across the year:
We see a strong pattern in the numbers of Saturday flights. This is reassuring, because we also saw that pattern in the raw data. It's a good sign when you see the same signal from multiple approaches.
How do you decide how many parameters to use for the spline? You can either either it pick by eye, or you could use automated techniques which you'll learn about in [model assessment]. For exploration, picking by eye to capture the most important patterns is fine.
If you're experimenting with many models and many visualisations, it's a good idea to bundle the creation of variables up into a function so there's no chance of accidentally applying a different transformation in different places. For example, we could write:
Either approach is reasonable. Making the transformed variable explicit is useful if you want to check your work, or use them in a visualisation. But you can't easily use transformations (like splines) that return multiple columns. Including the transformations in the model function makes life a little easier when you're working with many different datasets because the model is self contained.