Sometimes you can ask someone to download a snapshot into a `.csv` for you, but this gets painful quickly: every time you need to make a change you'll have to communicate with another human.
In this chapter, you'll first learn the basics of the DBI package: how to use it to connect to a database and then retrieve data with a SQL[^databases-1] query.
**SQL**, short for **s**tructured **q**uery **l**anguage, is the lingua franca of databases, and is an important language for all data scientists to learn.
That said, we're not going to start with SQL, but instead we'll teach you dbplyr, which can translate your dplyr code to the SQL.
DBI is a low-level interface that connects to databases and executes SQL; dbplyr is a high-level interface that translates your dplyr code to SQL queries then executes them with DBI.
- **Client-server** DBMS's run on a powerful central server, which you connect from your computer (the client). They are great for sharing data with multiple people in an organization. Popular client-server DBMS's include PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, and Oracle.
- **Cloud** DBMS's, like Snowflake, Amazon's RedShift, and Google's BigQuery, are similar to client server DBMS's, but they run in the cloud. This means that they can easily handle extremely large datasets and can automatically provide more compute resources as needed.
- **In-process** DBMS's, like SQLite or duckdb, run entirely on your computer. They're great for working with large datasets where you're the primary user.
- You'll always use DBI (**d**ata**b**ase **i**nterface) because it provides a set of generic functions that connect to the database, upload data, run SQL queries, etc.
- You'll also use a package tailored for the DBMS you're connecting to.
This package translates the generic DBI commands into the specifics needed for a given DBMS.
The first argument selects the DBMS[^databases-2], then the second and subsequent arguments describe how to connect to it (i.e. where it lives and the credentials that you need to access it).
[^databases-2]: Typically, this is the only function you'll use from the client package, so we recommend using `::` to pull out that one function, rather than loading the complete package with `library()`.
Setting up a client-server or cloud DBMS would be a pain for this book, so we'll instead use an in-process DBMS that lives entirely in an R package: duckdb.
duckdb is a high-performance database that's designed very much for the needs of a data scientist.
We use it here because it's very to easy to get started with, but it's also capable of handling gigabytes of data with great speed.
If you want to use duckdb for a real data analysis project, you'll also need to supply the `dbdir` argument to make a persistent database and tell duckdb where to save it.
The simplest usage of `dbWriteTable()` needs three arguments: a database connection, the name of the table to create in the database, and a data frame of data.
In real life, it's rare that you'll use `dbReadTable()` because often database tables are too big to fit in memory, and you want bring back only a subset of the rows and columns.
Don't worry if you've never seen SQL before; you'll learn more about it shortly.
But if you read it carefully, you might guess that it selects five columns of the diamonds dataset and all the rows where `price` is greater than 15,000.
We won't discuss it further here, but if you're dealing with very large datasets it's possible to deal with a "page" of data at a time by using `dbSendQuery()` to get a "result set" which you can page through by calling `dbFetch()` until `dbHasCompleted()` returns `TRUE`.
There are lots of other functions in DBI that you might find useful if you're managing your own data (like `dbWriteTable()` which we used in @sec-load-data), but we're going to skip past them in the interest of staying focused on working with data that already lives in a database.
Now that you've learned the low-level basics for connecting to a database and running a query, we're going to switch it up a bit and learn a bit about dbplyr.
dbplyr is a dplyr **backend**, which means that you keep writing dplyr code but the backend executes it differently.
In this, dbplyr translates to SQL; other backends include [dtplyr]( which translates to [data.table](, and [multidplyr]( which executes your code on multiple cores.
This object is **lazy**; when you use dplyr verbs on it, dplyr doesn't do any work: it just records the sequence of operations that you want to perform and only performs them when needed.
You can tell this object represents a database query because it prints the DBMS name at the top, and while it tells you the number of columns, it typically doesn't know the number of rows.
Typically, you'll use dbplyr to select the data you want from the database, performing basic filtering and aggregation using the translations described below.
Then, once you're ready to analyse the data with functions that are unique to R, you'll `collect()` the data to get an in-memory tibble, and continue your work with pure R code.
There are five important clauses: `SELECT`, `FROM`, `WHERE`, `ORDER BY`, and `GROUP BY`. Every query must have the `SELECT`[^databases-4] and `FROM`[^databases-5] clauses and the simplest query is `SELECT * FROM table`, which selects all columns from the specified table
- In SQL, case doesn't matter: you can write `select`, `SELECT`, or even `SeLeCt`. In this book we'll stick with the common convention of writing SQL keywords in uppercase to distinguish them from table or variables names.
- In SQL, order matters: you must always write the clauses in the order `SELECT`, `FROM`, `WHERE`, `GROUP BY`, `ORDER BY`. Confusingly, this order doesn't match how the clauses actually evaluated which is first `FROM`, then `WHERE`, `GROUP BY`, `SELECT`, and `ORDER BY`.
It's not perfect, but it's continually improving, and if you hit a problem you can file an issue [on GitHub]( to help us do better.
The `SELECT` clause is the workhorse of queries and performs the same job as `select()`, `mutate()`, `rename()`, `relocate()`, and, as you'll learn in the next section, `summarize()`.
`select()`, `rename()`, and `relocate()` have very direct translations to `SELECT` as they just affect where a column appears (if at all) along with its name:
In the examples above note that `"year"` and `"type"` are wrapped in double quotes.
That's because these are **reserved words** in duckdb, so dbplyr quotes them to avoid any potential confusion between column/table names and SQL operators.
When working with other databases you're likely to see every variable name quotes because only a handful of client packages, like duckdb, know what all the reserved words are, so they quote everything to be safe.
If you want to learn more about how NULLs work, you might enjoy "[*Three valued logic*](" by Markus Winand.
Note that if you `filter()` a variable that you created using a summarize, dbplyr will generate a `HAVING` clause, rather than a `FROM` clause.
This is a one of the idiosyncracies of SQL created because `WHERE` is evaluated before `SELECT`, so it needs another clause that's evaluated afterwards.
That means that the following (silly) dplyr pipeline needs to happen in two steps: the first (inner) query computes `year1` and then the second (outer) query can compute `year2`.
The main thing to notice here is the syntax: SQL joins use sub-clauses of the `FROM` clause to bring in additional tables, using `ON` to define how the tables are related.
dplyr's names for these functions are so closely connected to SQL that you can easily guess the equivalent SQL for `inner_join()`, `right_join()`, and `full_join()`:
You're likely to need many joins when working with data from a database.
That's because database tables are often stored in a highly normalized form, where each "fact" is stored in a single place and to keep a complete dataset for analysis you need to navigate a complex network of tables connected by primary and foreign keys.
If you hit this scenario, the [dm package](, by Tobias Schieferdecker, Kirill Müller, and Darko Bergant, is a life saver.
It can automatically determine the connections between tables using the constraints that DBAs often supply, visualize the connections so you can see what's going on, and generate the joins you need to connect one table to another.
dbplyr also translates other verbs like `distinct()`, `slice_*()`, and `intersect()`, and a growing selection of tidyr functions like `pivot_longer()` and `pivot_wider()`.
Now we're going to zoom in a little and talk about the translation of the R functions that work with individual columns, e.g. what happens when you use `mean(x)` in a `summarize()`?
Looking at the code below you'll notice that some summary functions, like `mean()`, have a relatively simple translation while others, like `median()`, are much more complex.
In SQL, the `GROUP BY` clause is used exclusively for summary so here you can see that the grouping has moved to the `PARTITION BY` argument to `OVER`.
Notice for window functions, the ordering information is repeated: the `ORDER BY` clause of the main query doesn't automatically apply to window functions.
Another important SQL function is `CASE WHEN`. It's used as the translation of `if_else()` and `case_when()`, the dplyr function that it directly inspired.
dbplyr also translates common string and date-time manipulation functions, which you can learn about in `vignette("translation-function", package = "dbplyr")`.
dbplyr's translations are certainly not perfect, and there are many R functions that aren't translated yet, but dbplyr does a surprisingly good job covering the functions that you'll use most of the time.
In this chapter you learned how to access data from databases.
We focused on dbplyr, a dplyr "backend" that allows you to write the dplyr code you're familiar with, and have it be automatically translated to SQL.
We used that translation to teach you a little SQL; it's important to learn some SQL because it's *the* most commonly used language for working with data and knowing some will it easier for you to communicate with other data folks who don't use R.
- [*SQL for Data Scientists*]( by Renée M. P. Teate is an introduction to SQL designed specifically for the needs of data scientists, and includes examples of the sort of highly interconnected data you're likely to encounter in real organizations.
- [*Practical SQL*]( by Anthony DeBarros is written from the perspective of a data journalist (a data scientist specialized in telling compelling stories) and goes into more detail about getting your data into a database and running your own DBMS.