Some times you'll get data that already includes logical vectors but in most cases you'll create them by using a comparison.
`<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `!=`, and `==`.
If you're doing a complex sequence of logical operations it's often a good idea to store the interim values in new variables so you can check that each step is working as expected.
A useful shortcut is `between(x, low, high)` which is a bit less typing than `x >= low & x <= high)`.
If you want an exclusive between or left-open right-closed etc, you'll need to write by hand.
Beware when using `==` with numbers as results might surprise you!
(sqrt(2) ^ 2) == 2
(1 / 49 * 49) == 1
Computers use finite precision arithmetic (they obviously can't store an infinite number of digits!) so remember that every number you see is an approximation.
(sqrt(2) ^ 2) - 2
(1 / 49 * 49) - 1
So instead of relying on `==`, use `near()`, which does the comparison with a small amount of tolerance:
Sometimes you can simplify complicated subsetting by remembering De Morgan's law: `!(x & y)` is the same as `!x | !y`, and `!(x | y)` is the same as `!x & !y`.
For example, if you wanted to find flights that weren't delayed (on arrival or departure) by more than two hours, you could use either of the following two filters:
These are called short-circuiting operators and you'll learn when you should use them in Section \@ref(conditional-execution) on conditional execution.
Whenever you start using complicated, multi-part expressions in `filter()`, consider making them explicit variables instead.
That makes it much easier to check your work.When checking your work, a particularly useful `mutate()` argument is `.keep = "used"`: this will just show you the variables you've used, along with the variables that you created.
This makes it easy to see the variables involved side-by-side.
If you want to use one value when a condition is true and another value when it's `FALSE`, you can use `if_else()`[^logicals-numbers-1].
[^logicals-numbers-1]: This is equivalent to the base R function `ifelse`.
There are two main advantages of `if_else()`over `ifelse()`: you can choose what should happen to missing values, and `if_else()` is much more likely to give you a meaningful error message if you use the wrong type of variable.
When you use a logical vector in a numeric context, `TRUE` becomes 1 and `FALSE` becomes 0, and when you use a numeric vector in a logical context, 0 becomes `FALSE` and everything else becomes `TRUE`.
There are four particularly useful summary functions for logical vectors: they all take a vector of logical values and return a single value, making them a good fit for use in `summarise()`.
`any()` and `all()` --- `any()` will return if there's at least one `TRUE`, `all()` will return `TRUE` if all values are `TRUE`.
Like all summary functions, they'll return `NA` if there are any missing values present, and like usual you can make the missing values go away with `na.rm = TRUE`.
`sum()` and `mean()` are particularly useful with logical vectors because `TRUE` is converted to 1 and `FALSE` to 0.
This means that `sum(x)` gives the number of `TRUE`s in `x` and `mean(x)` gives the proportion of `TRUE`s:
2. What does `prod()` return when applied to a logical vector? What logical summary function is it equivalent to? What does `min()` return applied to a logical vector? What logical summary function is it equivalent to?