set.seed(1014) # knitr::opts_chunk$set( # comment = "#>", # collapse = TRUE, # cache = TRUE, # fig.retina = 2, # fig.width = 6, # fig.asp = 2 / 3, # = "hold" # ) # options( # dplyr.print_min = 6, # dplyr.print_max = 6, # pillar.max_footer_lines = 2, # pillar.min_chars = 15, # stringr.view_n = 6, # # Temporarily deactivate cli output for quarto # cli.num_colors = 0, # cli.hyperlink = FALSE, # pillar.bold = TRUE, # width = 77 # 80 - 3 for #> comment # ) ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_gray(12)) # use results: "asis" when setting a status for a chapter status <- function(type) { status <- switch(type, polishing = "should be readable but is currently undergoing final polishing", restructuring = "is undergoing heavy restructuring and may be confusing or incomplete", drafting = "is currently a dumping ground for ideas, and we don't recommend reading it", complete = "is largely complete and just needs final proof reading", stop("Invalid `type`", call. = FALSE) ) class <- switch(type, polishing = "note", restructuring = "important", drafting = "important", complete = "note" ) cat(paste0( "\n", ":::: status\n", "::: callout-", class, " \n", "You are reading the work-in-progress second edition of R for Data Science. ", "This chapter ", status, ". ", "You can find the complete first edition at .\n", ":::\n", "::::\n" )) }