--- title: "模型构建" subtitle: 《区域水环境污染数据分析实践》
Data analysis practice of regional water environment pollution author: 苏命、王为东
中国科学院生态环境研究中心 date: today lang: zh format: revealjs: theme: dark slide-number: true chalkboard: buttons: true preview-links: auto lang: zh toc: true toc-depth: 1 toc-title: 大纲 logo: ./_extensions/inst/img/ucaslogo.png css: ./_extensions/inst/css/revealjs.css pointer: key: "p" color: "#32cd32" pointerSize: 18 revealjs-plugins: - pointer filters: - d2 knitr: opts_chunk: dev: "svg" retina: 3 execute: freeze: auto cache: true echo: true fig-width: 5 fig-height: 6 --- # tidymodels主要步骤 ```{r} #| echo: false hexes <- function(..., size = 64) { x <- c(...) x <- sort(unique(x), decreasing = TRUE) right <- (seq_along(x) - 1) * size res <- glue::glue( '![](hexes/.png){.absolute top=-20 right= width="" height=""}', .open = "<", .close = ">" ) paste0(res, collapse = " ") } knitr::opts_chunk$set( digits = 3, comment = "#>", dev = 'svglite' ) # devtools::install_github("gadenbuie/countdown") # library(countdown) library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw()) options(cli.width = 70, ggplot2.discrete.fill = c("#7e96d5", "#de6c4e")) train_color <- "#1a162d" test_color <- "#cd4173" data_color <- "#767381" assess_color <- "#84cae1" splits_pal <- c(data_color, train_color, test_color) ``` ## 何为tidymodels? {background-image="images/tm-org.png" background-size="80%"} ```{r load-tm} #| message: true #| echo: true #| warning: true library(tidymodels) ``` ## 整体思路 ```{r diagram-split, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-split.jpg") ``` ## 整体思路 ```{r diagram-model-1, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-model-1.jpg") ``` :::notes Stress that we are **not** fitting a model on the entire training set other than for illustrative purposes in deck 2. ::: ## 整体思路 ```{r diagram-model-n, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-model-n.jpg") ``` ## 整体思路 ```{r, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-resamples.jpg") ``` ## 整体思路 ```{r, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-select.jpg") ``` ## 整体思路 ```{r diagram-final-fit, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-final-fit.jpg") ``` ## 整体思路 ```{r diagram-final-performance, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-final-performance.jpg") ``` ## 相关包的安装 ```{r load-pkgs} #| eval: false # Install the packages for the workshop pkgs <- c("bonsai", "doParallel", "embed", "finetune", "lightgbm", "lme4", "plumber", "probably", "ranger", "rpart", "rpart.plot", "rules", "splines2", "stacks", "text2vec", "textrecipes", "tidymodels", "vetiver", "remotes") install.packages(pkgs) ``` . . .

## Data on Chicago taxi trips ```{r taxi-print} library(tidymodels) taxi ``` ## 数据分割与使用 对于机器学习,我们通常将数据分成训练集和测试集: . . . - 训练集用于估计模型参数。 - 测试集用于独立评估模型性能。 . . . 在训练过程中不要使用测试集。 . . . ```{r test-train-split} #| echo: false #| fig.width: 12 #| fig.height: 3 #| set.seed(123) library(forcats) one_split <- slice(taxi, 1:30) %>% initial_split() %>% tidy() %>% add_row(Row = 1:30, Data = "Original") %>% mutate(Data = case_when( Data == "Analysis" ~ "Training", Data == "Assessment" ~ "Testing", TRUE ~ Data )) %>% mutate(Data = factor(Data, levels = c("Original", "Training", "Testing"))) all_split <- ggplot(one_split, aes(x = Row, y = fct_rev(Data), fill = Data)) + geom_tile(color = "white", linewidth = 1) + scale_fill_manual(values = splits_pal, guide = "none") + theme_minimal() + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = rel(2)), axis.text.x = element_blank(), legend.position = "top", panel.grid = element_blank()) + coord_equal(ratio = 1) + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) all_split ``` ## The initial split ```{r taxi-split} set.seed(123) taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi) taxi_split ``` ## Accessing the data ```{r taxi-train-test} taxi_train <- training(taxi_split) taxi_test <- testing(taxi_split) ``` ## The training set ```{r taxi-train} taxi_train ``` ## 练习 ```{r taxi-split-prop} set.seed(123) taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi, prop = 0.8) taxi_train <- training(taxi_split) taxi_test <- testing(taxi_split) nrow(taxi_train) nrow(taxi_test) ``` ## Stratification Use `strata = tip` ```{r taxi-split-prop-strata} set.seed(123) taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi, prop = 0.8, strata = tip) taxi_split ``` ## Stratification Stratification often helps, with very little downside ```{r taxi-tip-pct-by-split, echo = FALSE} bind_rows( taxi_train %>% mutate(split = "train"), taxi_test %>% mutate(split = "test") ) %>% ggplot(aes(x = split, fill = tip)) + geom_bar(position = "fill") ``` ## 模型类型 模型多种多样 - `lm` for linear model - `glm` for generalized linear model (e.g. logistic regression) - `glmnet` for regularized regression - `keras` for regression using TensorFlow - `stan` for Bayesian regression - `spark` for large data sets ## 指定模型 ```{r} #| echo: false library(tidymodels) set.seed(123) taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi, prop = 0.8, strata = tip) taxi_train <- training(taxi_split) taxi_test <- testing(taxi_split) ``` ```{r logistic-reg} logistic_reg() ``` :::notes Models have default engines ::: ## To specify a model ```{r logistic-reg-glmnet} logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("glmnet") ``` . . . ```{r logistic-reg-stan} logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("stan") ``` ::: columns ::: {.column width="40%"} - Choose a model - Specify an engine - Set the [mode]{.underline} ::: ::: {.column width="60%"} ![](images/taxi_spinning.svg) ::: ::: ## To specify a model ```{r decision-tree} decision_tree() ``` :::notes Some models have a default mode ::: ## To specify a model ```{r decision-tree-classification} decision_tree() %>% set_mode("classification") ``` . . .

::: r-fit-text All available models are listed at ::: ## Workflows ```{r good-workflow} #| echo: false #| out-width: '70%' #| fig-align: 'center' knitr::include_graphics("images/good_workflow.png") ``` ## 为什么要使用 `workflow()`? - 与基本的 R 工具相比,工作流能更好地处理新的因子水平 . . . - 除了公式之外,还可以使用其他的预处理器(更多关于高级 tidymodels 中的特征工程!) . . . - 在使用多个模型时,它们可以帮助组织工作 . . . - [最重要的是]{.underline},工作流涵盖了整个建模过程:`fit()` 和 `predict()` 不仅适用于实际的模型拟合,还适用于预处理步骤 ::: notes 工作流比基本的 R 处理水平更好的两种方式: - 强制要求在预测时不允许出现新的水平(这是一个可选的检查,可以关闭) - 恢复在拟合时存在但在预测时缺失的水平(例如,“新”数据中没有该水平的实例) ::: ## A model workflow ```{r tree-spec} tree_spec <- decision_tree(cost_complexity = 0.002) %>% set_mode("classification") tree_spec %>% fit(tip ~ ., data = taxi_train) ``` ## A model workflow ```{r tree-wflow} tree_spec <- decision_tree(cost_complexity = 0.002) %>% set_mode("classification") workflow() %>% add_formula(tip ~ .) %>% add_model(tree_spec) %>% fit(data = taxi_train) ``` ## A model workflow ```{r tree-wflow-fit} tree_spec <- decision_tree(cost_complexity = 0.002) %>% set_mode("classification") workflow(tip ~ ., tree_spec) %>% fit(data = taxi_train) ``` ## 预测 How do you use your new `tree_fit` model? ```{r tree-wflow-fit-2} tree_spec <- decision_tree(cost_complexity = 0.002) %>% set_mode("classification") tree_fit <- workflow(tip ~ ., tree_spec) %>% fit(data = taxi_train) ``` ## 练习 *Run:* `predict(tree_fit, new_data = taxi_test)` . . . *Run:* `augment(tree_fit, new_data = taxi_test)` *What do you get?* ## tidymodels 的预测 - 预测结果始终在一个 **tibble** 内 - 列名和类型可读性强 - `new_data` 中的行数和输出中的行数**相同** ## 理解模型 如何 **理解**`tree_fit` 模型? ```{r plot-tree-fit-4} #| echo: false #| fig-align: center #| fig-width: 8 #| fig-height: 5 #| out-width: 100% library(rpart.plot) tree_fit %>% extract_fit_engine() %>% rpart.plot(roundint = FALSE) ``` ## Evaluating models: 预测值 ```{r} #| echo: false library(tidymodels) set.seed(123) taxi_split <- initial_split(taxi, prop = 0.8, strata = tip) taxi_train <- training(taxi_split) taxi_test <- testing(taxi_split) tree_spec <- decision_tree(cost_complexity = 0.0001, mode = "classification") taxi_wflow <- workflow(tip ~ ., tree_spec) taxi_fit <- fit(taxi_wflow, taxi_train) ``` ```{r taxi-fit-augment} augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% relocate(tip, .pred_class, .pred_yes, .pred_no) ``` ## Confusion matrix ![](images/confusion-matrix.png) ## Confusion matrix ```{r conf-mat} augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% conf_mat(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ``` ## Confusion matrix ```{r conf-mat-plot} augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% conf_mat(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) %>% autoplot(type = "heatmap") ``` ## Metrics for model performance ::: columns ::: {.column width="60%"} ```{r acc} augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% accuracy(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ``` ::: ::: {.column width="40%"} ![](images/confusion-matrix-accuracy.png) ::: ::: ## 二分类模型评估 模型的敏感性(Sensitivity)和特异性(Specificity)是评估二分类模型性能的重要指标: - **敏感性**(Sensitivity),也称为真阳性率,衡量了模型正确识别正类别样本的能力。公式为真阳性数除以真阳性数加上假阴性数: $$ \text{Sensitivity} = \frac{\text{True Positives}}{\text{True Positives} + \text{False Negatives}} $$ - **特异性**(Specificity),也称为真阴性率,衡量了模型正确识别负类别样本的能力。公式为真阴性数除以真阴性数加上假阳性数: $$ \text{Specificity} = \frac{\text{True Negatives}}{\text{True Negatives} + \text{False Positives}} $$ 在评估模型时,我们希望敏感性和特异性都很高。高敏感性表示模型能够捕获真正的正类别样本,高特异性表示模型能够准确排除负类别样本。 ## Metrics for model performance ::: columns ::: {.column width="60%"} ```{r sens} augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% sensitivity(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ``` ::: ::: {.column width="40%"} ![](images/confusion-matrix-sensitivity.png) ::: ::: ## Metrics for model performance ::: columns ::: {.column width="60%"} ```{r sens-2} #| code-line-numbers: "3-6" augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% sensitivity(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ```
```{r spec} augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% specificity(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ``` ::: ::: {.column width="40%"} ![](images/confusion-matrix-specificity.png) ::: ::: ## Metrics for model performance We can use `metric_set()` to combine multiple calculations into one ```{r taxi-metrics} taxi_metrics <- metric_set(accuracy, specificity, sensitivity) augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% taxi_metrics(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ``` ## Metrics for model performance ```{r taxi-metrics-grouped} taxi_metrics <- metric_set(accuracy, specificity, sensitivity) augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% group_by(local) %>% taxi_metrics(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ``` ## Varying the threshold ```{r} #| label: thresholds #| echo: false augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% roc_curve(truth = tip, .pred_yes) %>% filter(is.finite(.threshold)) %>% pivot_longer(c(specificity, sensitivity), names_to = "statistic", values_to = "value") %>% rename(`event threshold` = .threshold) %>% ggplot(aes(x = `event threshold`, y = value, col = statistic, group = statistic)) + geom_line() + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") + labs(y = NULL) + coord_equal() + theme(legend.position = "top") ``` ## ROC 曲线 - ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic)曲线用于评估二分类模型的性能,特别是在不同的阈值下比较模型的敏感性和特异性。 - ROC曲线的横轴是假阳性率(False Positive Rate,FPR),纵轴是真阳性率(True Positive Rate,TPR)。在ROC曲线上,每个点对应于一个特定的阈值。通过改变阈值,我们可以观察到模型在不同条件下的表现。 - ROC曲线越接近左上角(0,1)点,说明模型的性能越好,因为这表示在较低的假阳性率下,模型能够获得较高的真阳性率。ROC曲线下面积(Area Under the ROC Curve,AUC)也是评估模型性能的一种指标,AUC值越大表示模型性能越好。 ## ROC curve plot ```{r roc-curve} #| fig-width: 6 #| fig-height: 6 #| output-location: "column" augment(taxi_fit, new_data = taxi_train) %>% roc_curve(truth = tip, .pred_yes) %>% autoplot() ``` ## 过度拟合 ![](./images/tuning-overfitting-train-1.svg) ## 过度拟合 ![](images/tuning-overfitting-test-1.svg) ## Cross-validation {background-color="white" background-image="https://www.tmwr.org/premade/resampling.svg" background-size="80%"} ## Cross-validation ![](https://www.tmwr.org/premade/three-CV.svg) ## Cross-validation ![](https://www.tmwr.org/premade/three-CV-iter.svg) ## Cross-validation ```{r vfold-cv} vfold_cv(taxi_train) # v = 10 is default ``` ## Cross-validation What is in this? ```{r taxi-splits} taxi_folds <- vfold_cv(taxi_train) taxi_folds$splits[1:3] ``` ::: notes Talk about a list column, storing non-atomic types in dataframe ::: ## Cross-validation ```{r vfold-cv-v} vfold_cv(taxi_train, v = 5) ``` ## Cross-validation ```{r vfold-cv-strata} vfold_cv(taxi_train, strata = tip) ``` . . . Stratification often helps, with very little downside ## Cross-validation We'll use this setup: ```{r taxi-folds} set.seed(123) taxi_folds <- vfold_cv(taxi_train, v = 10, strata = tip) taxi_folds ``` . . . Set the seed when creating resamples ## Fit our model to the resamples ```{r fit-resamples} taxi_res <- fit_resamples(taxi_wflow, taxi_folds) taxi_res ``` ## Evaluating model performance ```{r collect-metrics} taxi_res %>% collect_metrics() ``` ::: notes collect_metrics() 是一套 collect_*() 函数之一,可用于处理调参结果的列。调参结果中以 . 为前缀的大多数列都有对应的 collect_*() 函数,可以进行常见摘要选项的汇总。 ::: . . . We can reliably measure performance using only the **training** data 🎉 ## Comparing metrics How do the metrics from resampling compare to the metrics from training and testing? ```{r calc-roc-auc} #| echo: false taxi_training_roc_auc <- taxi_fit %>% augment(taxi_train) %>% roc_auc(tip, .pred_yes) %>% pull(.estimate) %>% round(digits = 2) taxi_testing_roc_auc <- taxi_fit %>% augment(taxi_test) %>% roc_auc(tip, .pred_yes) %>% pull(.estimate) %>% round(digits = 2) ``` ::: columns ::: {.column width="50%"} ```{r collect-metrics-2} taxi_res %>% collect_metrics() %>% select(.metric, mean, n) ``` ::: ::: {.column width="50%"} The ROC AUC previously was - `r taxi_training_roc_auc` for the training set - `r taxi_testing_roc_auc` for test set ::: ::: . . . Remember that: ⚠️ the training set gives you overly optimistic metrics ⚠️ the test set is precious ## Evaluating model performance ```{r save-predictions} # Save the assessment set results ctrl_taxi <- control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE) taxi_res <- fit_resamples(taxi_wflow, taxi_folds, control = ctrl_taxi) taxi_res ``` ## Evaluating model performance ```{r collect-predictions} # Save the assessment set results taxi_preds <- collect_predictions(taxi_res) taxi_preds ``` ## Evaluating model performance ```{r taxi-metrics-by-id} taxi_preds %>% group_by(id) %>% taxi_metrics(truth = tip, estimate = .pred_class) ``` ## Where are the fitted models? ```{r taxi-res} taxi_res ``` ## Bootstrapping ![](https://www.tmwr.org/premade/bootstraps.svg) ## Bootstrapping ```{r bootstraps} set.seed(3214) bootstraps(taxi_train) ``` ## Monte Carlo Cross-Validation ```{r mc-cv} set.seed(322) mc_cv(taxi_train, times = 10) ``` ## Validation set ```{r validation-split} set.seed(853) taxi_val_split <- initial_validation_split(taxi, strata = tip) validation_set(taxi_val_split) ``` ## Create a random forest model ```{r rf-spec} rf_spec <- rand_forest(trees = 1000, mode = "classification") rf_spec ``` ## Create a random forest model ```{r rf-wflow} rf_wflow <- workflow(tip ~ ., rf_spec) rf_wflow ``` ## Evaluating model performance ```{r collect-metrics-rf} ctrl_taxi <- control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE) # Random forest uses random numbers so set the seed first set.seed(2) rf_res <- fit_resamples(rf_wflow, taxi_folds, control = ctrl_taxi) collect_metrics(rf_res) ``` ## The whole game - status update ```{r diagram-select, echo = FALSE} #| fig-align: "center" knitr::include_graphics("images/whole-game-transparent-select.jpg") ``` ## The final fit ```{r final-fit} # taxi_split has train + test info final_fit <- last_fit(rf_wflow, taxi_split) final_fit ``` ## 何为`final_fit`? ```{r collect-metrics-final-fit} collect_metrics(final_fit) ``` . . . These are metrics computed with the **test** set ## 何为`final_fit`? ```{r collect-predictions-final-fit} collect_predictions(final_fit) ``` ## 何为`final_fit`? ```{r extract-workflow} extract_workflow(final_fit) ``` . . . Use this for **prediction** on new data, like for deploying ## Tuning models - Specifying tuning parameters ```{r} #| label: tag-for-tuning #| code-line-numbers: "1|" rf_spec <- rand_forest(min_n = tune()) %>% set_mode("classification") rf_wflow <- workflow(tip ~ ., rf_spec) rf_wflow ``` ## Try out multiple values `tune_grid()` works similar to `fit_resamples()` but covers multiple parameter values: ```{r} #| label: rf-tune_grid #| code-line-numbers: "2|3-4|5|" set.seed(22) rf_res <- tune_grid( rf_wflow, taxi_folds, grid = 5 ) ``` ## Compare results Inspecting results and selecting the best-performing hyperparameter(s): ```{r} #| label: rf-results show_best(rf_res) best_parameter <- select_best(rf_res) best_parameter ``` `collect_metrics()` and `autoplot()` are also available. ## The final fit ```{r} #| label: rf-finalize rf_wflow <- finalize_workflow(rf_wflow, best_parameter) final_fit <- last_fit(rf_wflow, taxi_split) collect_metrics(final_fit) ``` # 实践部分 ## 数据 ```{r} require(tidyverse) sitedf <- readr::read_csv("https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-01/nla2007_sampledlakeinformation_20091113.csv") |> select(SITE_ID, lon = LON_DD, lat = LAT_DD, name = LAKENAME, area = LAKEAREA, zmax = DEPTHMAX ) |> group_by(SITE_ID) |> summarize(lon = mean(lon, na.rm = TRUE), lat = mean(lat, na.rm = TRUE), name = unique(name), area = mean(area, na.rm = TRUE), zmax = mean(zmax, na.rm = TRUE)) visitdf <- readr::read_csv("https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2013-09/nla2007_profile_20091008.csv") |> select(SITE_ID, date = DATE_PROFILE, year = YEAR, visit = VISIT_NO ) |> distinct() waterchemdf <- readr::read_csv("https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2013-09/nla2007_profile_20091008.csv") |> select(SITE_ID, date = DATE_PROFILE, depth = DEPTH, temp = TEMP_FIELD, do = DO_FIELD, ph = PH_FIELD, cond = COND_FIELD, ) sddf <- readr::read_csv("https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-10/nla2007_secchi_20091008.csv") |> select(SITE_ID, date = DATE_SECCHI, sd = SECMEAN, clear_to_bottom = CLEAR_TO_BOTTOM ) trophicdf <- readr::read_csv("https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-10/nla2007_trophic_conditionestimate_20091123.csv") |> select(SITE_ID, visit = VISIT_NO, tp = PTL, tn = NTL, chla = CHLA) |> left_join(visitdf, by = c("SITE_ID", "visit")) |> select(-year, -visit) |> group_by(SITE_ID, date) |> summarize(tp = mean(tp, na.rm = TRUE), tn = mean(tn, na.rm = TRUE), chla = mean(chla, na.rm = TRUE) ) phytodf <- readr::read_csv("https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-10/nla2007_phytoplankton_softalgaecount_20091023.csv") |> select(SITE_ID, date = DATEPHYT, depth = SAMPLE_DEPTH, phyta = DIVISION, genus = GENUS, species = SPECIES, tax = TAXANAME, abund = ABUND) |> mutate(phyta = gsub(" .*$", "", phyta)) |> filter(!is.na(genus)) |> group_by(SITE_ID, date, depth, phyta, genus) |> summarize(abund = sum(abund, na.rm = TRUE)) |> nest(phytodf = -c(SITE_ID, date)) envdf <- waterchemdf |> filter(depth < 2) |> select(-depth) |> group_by(SITE_ID, date) |> summarise_all(~mean(., na.rm = TRUE)) |> ungroup() |> left_join(sddf, by = c("SITE_ID", "date")) |> left_join(trophicdf, by = c("SITE_ID", "date")) nla <- envdf |> left_join(phytodf) |> left_join(sitedf, by = "SITE_ID") |> filter(!purrr::map_lgl(phytodf, is.null)) |> mutate(cyanophyta = purrr::map(phytodf, ~ .x |> dplyr::filter(phyta == "Cyanophyta") |> summarize(cyanophyta = sum(abund, na.rm = TRUE)) )) |> unnest(cyanophyta) |> select(-phyta) |> mutate(clear_to_bottom = ifelse(is.na(clear_to_bottom), TRUE, FALSE)) # library(rmdify) # library(dwfun) # dwfun::init() ``` ## 数据 ```{r} skimr::skim(nla) ``` ## 简单模型 ```{r} nla |> filter(tp > 1) |> ggplot(aes(tn, tp)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") + scale_x_log10(breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))) + scale_y_log10(breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))) m1 <- lm(log10(tp) ~ log10(tn), data = nla) summary(m1) ``` ## 复杂指标 ```{r} nla |> filter(tp > 1) |> ggplot(aes(tp, cyanophyta)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") + scale_x_log10(breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))) + scale_y_log10(breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))) m2 <- lm(log10(cyanophyta) ~ log10(tp), data = nla) summary(m2) ``` ## tidymodels - Data split ```{r} (nla_split <- rsample::initial_split(nla, prop = 0.7, strata = zmax)) (nla_train <- training(nla_split)) (nla_test <- testing(nla_split)) ``` ## tidymodels - recipe ```{r} nla_formula <- as.formula("cyanophyta ~ temp + do + ph + cond + sd + tp + tn + chla + clear_to_bottom") # nla_formula <- as.formula("cyanophyta ~ temp + do + ph + cond + sd + tp + tn") nla_recipe <- recipes::recipe(nla_formula, data = nla_train) |> recipes::step_string2factor(all_nominal()) |> recipes::step_nzv(all_nominal()) |> recipes::step_log(chla, cyanophyta, base = 10) |> recipes::step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) |> prep() nla_recipe ``` ## tidymodels - cross validation ```{r} nla_cv <- recipes::bake( nla_recipe, new_data = training(nla_split) ) |> rsample::vfold_cv(v = 10) nla_cv ``` ## tidymodels - Model specification ```{r} xgboost_model <- parsnip::boost_tree( mode = "regression", trees = 1000, min_n = tune(), tree_depth = tune(), learn_rate = tune(), loss_reduction = tune() ) |> set_engine("xgboost", objective = "reg:squarederror") xgboost_model ``` ## tidymodels - Grid specification ```{r} # grid specification xgboost_params <- dials::parameters( min_n(), tree_depth(), learn_rate(), loss_reduction() ) xgboost_params ``` ## tidymodels - Grid specification ```{r} xgboost_grid <- dials::grid_max_entropy( xgboost_params, size = 60 ) knitr::kable(head(xgboost_grid)) ``` ## tidymodels - Workflow ```{r} xgboost_wf <- workflows::workflow() |> add_model(xgboost_model) |> add_formula(nla_formula) xgboost_wf ``` ## tidymodels - Tune ```{r} #| cache: true # hyperparameter tuning if (FALSE) { xgboost_tuned <- tune::tune_grid( object = xgboost_wf, resamples = nla_cv, grid = xgboost_grid, metrics = yardstick::metric_set(rmse, rsq, mae), control = tune::control_grid(verbose = TRUE) ) saveRDS(xgboost_tuned, "./xgboost_tuned.RDS") } xgboost_tuned <- readRDS("./xgboost_tuned.RDS") ``` ## tidymodels - Best model ```{r} xgboost_tuned |> tune::show_best(metric = "rmse") |> knitr::kable() ``` ## tidymodels - Best model ```{r} xgboost_tuned |> collect_metrics() ``` ## tidymodels - Best model ```{r} #| fig-width: 9 #| fig-height: 5 #| out-width: "100%" xgboost_tuned |> autoplot() ``` ## tidymodels - Best model ```{r} xgboost_best_params <- xgboost_tuned |> tune::select_best("rmse") knitr::kable(xgboost_best_params) ``` ## tidymodels - Final model ```{r} xgboost_model_final <- xgboost_model |> finalize_model(xgboost_best_params) xgboost_model_final ``` ## tidymodels - Train evaluation ```{r} (train_processed <- bake(nla_recipe, new_data = nla_train)) ``` ## tidymodels - Train data ```{r} train_prediction <- xgboost_model_final |> # fit the model on all the training data fit( formula = nla_formula, data = train_processed ) |> # predict the sale prices for the training data predict(new_data = train_processed) |> bind_cols(nla_train |> mutate(.obs = log10(cyanophyta))) xgboost_score_train <- train_prediction |> yardstick::metrics(.obs, .pred) |> mutate(.estimate = format(round(.estimate, 2), big.mark = ",")) knitr::kable(xgboost_score_train) ``` ## tidymodels - train evaluation ```{r} #| fig-width: 5 #| fig-height: 3 #| out-width: "80%" train_prediction |> ggplot(aes(.pred, .obs)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") ``` ## tidymodels - test data ```{r} test_processed <- bake(nla_recipe, new_data = nla_test) test_prediction <- xgboost_model_final |> # fit the model on all the training data fit( formula = nla_formula, data = train_processed ) |> # use the training model fit to predict the test data predict(new_data = test_processed) |> bind_cols(nla_test |> mutate(.obs = log10(cyanophyta))) # measure the accuracy of our model using `yardstick` xgboost_score <- test_prediction |> yardstick::metrics(.obs, .pred) |> mutate(.estimate = format(round(.estimate, 2), big.mark = ",")) knitr::kable(xgboost_score) ``` ## tidymodels - evaluation ```{r} #| fig-width: 5 #| fig-height: 3 #| out-width: "80%" cyanophyta_prediction_residual <- test_prediction |> arrange(.pred) %>% mutate(residual_pct = (.obs - .pred) / .pred) |> select(.pred, residual_pct) cyanophyta_prediction_residual |> ggplot(aes(x = .pred, y = residual_pct)) + geom_point() + xlab("Predicted Cyanophyta") + ylab("Residual (%)") ``` ## tidymodels - test evaluation ```{r} #| fig-width: 5 #| fig-height: 3 #| out-width: "80%" test_prediction |> ggplot(aes(.pred, .obs)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", colour = "black") ``` ## 欢迎讨论!{.center} `r rmdify::slideend(wechat = FALSE, type = "public", tel = FALSE, thislink = "https://drwater.rcees.ac.cn/course/public/RWEP/@PUB/SD/")`